Tuesday, May 1, 2018

5 keys to lose weight in menopause with diet

5 keys to lose weight in menopause with diet

There are many aspects of diet that can be improved to lose weight in menopause. This not only benefits the figure, but it is decided to have an optimal state of health.

Losing weight in menopause is a need that goes beyond the aesthetic; Although it is normal to worry about the figure when reaching this stage, the importance of an adequate weight lies in health issues.

The organism and its functions suffer a sudden change due to the hormonal alterations that occur in this period; therefore, the metabolism slows down and there is a greater tendency to suffer fat accumulation, fluid retention and loss of muscle mass.

To counteract all these effects it is essential to understand the role played by the diet. Although many diminish importance, having a good diet is crucial both to achieve a healthy weight and to prevent diseases.

What are the keys to losing weight in menopause? What changes should be made in the diet? As we know that many women want to solve these questions, here are a few recommendations.

Healthy diet to lose weight in menopause

Following a healthy diet is the best way to lose weight in menopause. Although it is convenient to adopt other complementary habits, eating foods of high nutritional quality allows to optimize the metabolism and maintain an optimal energy expenditure.

Due to the changes that the body undergoes in this stage, it is necessary to guarantee a correct absorption of nutrients; In fact, there are some special nutritional requirements to prevent chronic diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis.

The good news is that it is not necessary to make restrictions or strict regimes. By combining healthy ingredients you can design a balanced, complete and controlled fat and calorie diet plan.

Foods to lose weight in menopause

If the goal is to support the metabolic functions to lose weight in menopause, it is convenient to include in the diet some foods that, by their characteristics, are very beneficial:
  • ·         Lean meats (chicken, pork or turkey)
  • ·         Fish and seafood
  • ·         Whole grains (oats, rice, whole wheat bread, etc.)
  • ·         Fruits and vegetables
  • ·         Legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soy)
  • ·         Nuts and seeds
  • ·         Healthy fats (olive oil, avocado, sunflower)

Keys to the diet to lose weight in menopause

In addition to taking into account the ideal foods to lose weight in menopause, it is good to implement a series of keys that help make the diet more healthy and effective.

1. Increase protein consumption

Foods rich in proteins of high biological value are essential in every diet for women in menopause. This macronutrient helps maintain lean body mass and serves as a source of energy for better performance.

Adding it to the daily diet complements the effects of exercise by maintaining muscle mass; This, at the same time, "boosts" the metabolism and helps you lose weight more easily.
Some foods with protein are:
  • ·         Lean meats
  • ·         Fish and seafood
  • ·         Legumes and nuts
  • ·         Eggs and derivatives
  • ·         Dairy products

2. Eat a balanced breakfast

One of the biggest mistakes women make in menopause is skipping breakfast with the idea of "saving calories." This, far from being beneficial to lose weight, produces weakening and greater anxiety for food.

A healthy and balanced breakfast should correspond to 25% of the total daily calories. So things should not be replaced by a simple coffee with cookies or processed and prefabricated foods.

3. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the great allies of those who want to lose weight in menopause. This variety of foods is full of nutrients and properties that, when assimilated, help to burn fat without affecting health.

It is recommended to consume between five and six servings a day to control food anxiety, obtain energy and improve metabolism.

4. Avoid saturated fats and sugars

The metabolism works at a slower rate after the onset of menopause; For this reason, in order not to overload their functions, it is essential to limit the consumption of foods with saturated fats and sugars as much as possible.

Industrial foods, bakery products, and sweets should not be part of the meal plan. It is important to review the labels so as not to include them unconsciously in the diet.

5. Increase water consumption

Drinking plenty of water is still one of the main keys to maintaining a healthy and balanced weight. This vital liquid helps to detoxify the organism, regulates the temperature and prevents the occurrence of energy slumps.
  • ·         Its consumption prolongs the sensation of satiety between meals and improves digestion. For this reason, it is advisable to eat between 6 and 8 glasses a day.

Are you trying to lose weight in menopause? Are you worried about suffering from overweight problems? Do not hesitate to apply all these tips to take care of you at this stage.
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